Anglican Youth Camp

2024 Camp Registration Is Now Closed!


Anglican Youth Camp is an incredible opportunity for kids to grow in their faith, make lasting friendships, and create unforgettable memories. Unfortunately, not all families have the means to send their children. Please consider making a donation to help us create scholarships to ensure that every child has the chance to attend, regardless of their financial situation. Your donation will make a huge difference. Thank you so much for your generosity!
Anglican Youth Camp is truly a unique opportunity for our youth. It is part summer camp and part spiritual formation and it is 100% fun and exciting! All electronics are put away for the week as we enjoy communing with God, each other, and nature. We sleep in wood cabins, usually five campers to a cabin plus adult supervisors. Bishop Jones is our Spiritual Director and celebrates a daily mass, presides over the Office, and is available for individual spiritual counsel. Camp activities include canoeing, swimming, archery, fencing, a paintball course, and many others.

Camp Location

1945 Vineyard Road
Westfield, NC 27053
The Anglican Youth Camp is sponsored by the Anglican Province of America.