At the present time...

...the APA has ongoing partnerships in four countries around the world, Ecuador, India, Haiti, and the Philippines. In each of these places the churches are serving those people who are marginalized or underserved by the mainline churches that are present in those countries. Also, in every case we are working in different parts of the country than any members of the G3 churches that might be working in that region. In addition to the churches in these places we are also working with a number of NGOs that have a knowledge and a special interest or ministry in these countries.


Our work in Ecuador with the Indigenous Pastoral of the Anglican Province of America in Ecuador (IPAPAE) is our most recent endeavor (our relationship was established in 2016 and the first Episcopal visit took place in September of that year). The work is amongst the Kichwa of central Ecuador and is in the province of Chimborazo in the high Andes. Many of the Kichwa people were enslaved in the Hacienda system established by the Roman Catholic Church until 1968. Before this time, they were the property of the landowners in these Haciendas and were usually sold with the property. After their emancipation, they were allotted community land and each family was given an opportunity to purchase a small plot of land within these communities. The lands they were granted by the government were not the most productive lands but marginal lands and they are consequently extremely poor earning on average less than a dollar a day on which to survive. They were evangelized by the Roman Catholic Church and later were part of the Episcopal Church, but as that Church attempted to enforce their more liberal ideas on the people, they sought affiliation with a Traditional Anglican Church. The appeal was brought to us by a group of former and current aid and development workers from Samaritan’s Purse who had formed a group called Worthy Endeavors.
There are currently twenty-two churches (although the Church is active in thirty -three communities), four priests, and twelve deacons serving in Ecuador. Missionary partners include Worthy Endeavors and Samaritans Purse.


The partnership with Haiti has been in existence for thirty-four years and is designated as part of the Missionary District of the Caribbean. The mission is located in the northern part of the country near Cap Haitian and consists of two churches, one in Balan (St. Yves Anglican Church) and one in Caracol (St. Francis of Assisi Anglican Church) as well as a school (The Jacquis Theodore Holly Institute) and an agricultural property. The churches are fairly small and they cater to people who live in the poorer rural areas.
The school consists of a well-constructed compound with a high perimeter wall and secure metal gate. There are a series of classrooms and an office which surround an open courtyard. The buildings are constructed of concrete block with corrugated sheeting on the roof. The school was constructed from funds that Fr. Mews (senior priest in Haiti) had acquired from Food for the Poor, a Florida- based philanthropic organization. The school has its own distinctive uniform (as do all schools in Haiti). The school has nine teachers and a principle. The APA has helped subsidize the cost of the teachers over the years since the government promise of “free education for all” has not resulted in the APA school receiving any funds. 
The APA has also provided motorcycles for the clergy to assist them in reaching the churches and providing services as they work in the city and the churches are both some distance outside the city in rural communities.
There are currently four priests and a deaconess serving in Haiti. Ministry partners include Operation Mobilization, USA and Missionary Flights International.


In India we are partners with the Anglican Church of South India, Diocese of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The church works almost exclusively with what are known as the “Scheduled Castes” formerly known as Dalits or the so called “untouchables” of the Hindu caste system. The third presiding and diocesan bishop of the church, The Most Rev. Richard Rajesh Kumar Panem was consecrated on Thursday 22 June, 2023, at All Saints Anglican Catholic Church in Renfrew, Calgary. This Consecration coincided with the College of Bishops meeting of the Traditional Anglican Church (TAC) and there were twelve bishops in attendance. Bishop Chad Jones (Presiding Bishop of the APA) was the chief consecrator and Bishop David Haines (Missionary Bishop for Global Partnerships, APA) and Archbishop Shane Janzen (Archbishop of the TAC) were the co-consecrators.
There are currently twenty-two churches in seven districts and the work is headquartered in Jammalamadugu at the Cathedral of the Holy Nativity in the Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh. The clergy, ably assisted by several “Bible Women” are teaching the Gospel and building churches in the region. The APA has also provided motorcycles for several of the clergy to assist them in reaching neighboring villages where there are no church buildings and where they are able to meet in people’s homes.
The APA is also partnered with Good Shepherd Schools, India and with Dignity Freedom Network. The Good Shepherd School that the APA helped to construct in Kollur is part of a wider initiative of one hundred and eight schools to try to provide an English medium education to Dalit children undertaken by this ministry in conjunction with Dignity Freedom Network (DFN). Through DFN the APA has been able to raise funds to provide scholarships for the children in the school in Kollur for a number of years. For $37 per month or $444 per child per year the full cost of tuition, school uniforms, books, and basic health care are covered.


The work of the Missionary District of the Philippines had previously been centered on the large island of Luzon but has recently spread to the adjoining islands of Mindoro Occidental and Palawan. The focus of the work is to try and provide church services in the communities where many of the poorer agricultural workers live and work and where there are currently no churches or missions in the area. In one region (Tubuli, Palauan, Mindoro Occidental) the focus of the work is to reach the indigenous Mangyan people of that area who are largely unchurched. Construction of three church buildings have been completed and two more are currently under way and one other is in the process of being established. The churches that have been built are located in Masoc, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, Luzon (St. Joseph the Worker Anglican Parish), Bauang, La Union, Luzon, (St. James the Greater Anglican Parish), and Tubuli, Palauan, Mindoro Occidental (St. Andrew the Apostle Anglican Church). Those under construction are located in Taytay, Palawan (Our Lady of Walsingham Anglican Mission), and in Labney/David, Tarlac, Luzon (St. George of Lydda Anglican Mission), and the newest plant is in the Province of Abra in norther Luzon (St. Francis of Assisi Anglican Mission).
There are currently seven priests and one deacon serving in the Philippines with several other clergy and postulants seeking to become a part of this vibrant and growing missionary district. The APA has also provided several motorcycles to aid clergy in their travels in and around many of the far- flung places where they are serving.